Friday, November 28, 2008

Animal Lovers

Ok, I've already gone on and on about our dog, Smudge, and our new kitty and how much we love them. we were at the mall and saw such a GORGEOUS dog called a Bernese Mountain dog that we fell in love with. This is Jake's "dream dog," and he wants her sooo badly, and heck, I wouldn't mind either because she is a sweetheart! The only deal is that we already have a dog and a cat, and this new dog is only 4 months old and already 40 lbs! That's right, folks, she's going to be HUGE, about 100 lbs!! Is that worth it for puppy love?! We both love animals so much, but my question is...are we insane??? :)


Sue said...

Please, please, please don't get a dog from a pet store....(from a Berner lover and current owner). Pet stores almost invariably acquire their puppies from puppy mills, no matter how much they try to deny it.

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

aren't they adorable?! those are one of my favorite dogs...i actually have one... i think shes from a pet store so shes not as big and fluffy as they are supposed to be, but still so cute! if you buy from a breeder they're usually better quality.
you guys are so funny with animals.. i would never say "crazy" because me and Steve are the same way! :)

B and C said...

I agree with the comment about pet stores. Do your research online or go to the AKC website and find a registered breeder. I really do not believe in pet stores. But the dog is beautiful and I am too an animal lover and say go for it! But after this one you may need to stop or you will have to buy a warehouse for all your animals! :)

Mekell and Jake said...

We found a breeder and looked at the ADORABLE puppies tonight, we even found one that we fell in love with! Who knows, maybe we'll go back soon and have a new puppy addition!

Susy said...

Mekell and Jake, YOU ARE CRAZY. But I still love you. We'll just bring our kids to Phoenix to get their doggy fix.

everything petersen said...

Would it be an outside dog?

Mekell and Jake said...

Inside and outside. Right now she's inside unless she has to potty or is playing with us out there because she's so little still. Bring your children, we have 3 animals to feed their pet hunger!!

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