Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today's Headine:

HOUSEWARMING PARTY A SUCCESS!!-- Our housewarming party was perfect yesterday! Thank you to everyone who was able to come and enjoy in the fun! (p.s. the food turned out great too, and there was plenty of it!) We had an awesome turn out of about 50-60 people, and I regret to say I only got one picture of the food table, and even though I wanted to take lots of pictures of all the guests and the house, I was too busy talking, giving tours, and entertaining to even remember! It turned out wonderfully, though, and I'm glad we could have so many of our friends and family come to see our home! You're always welcome anytime!


Courtney said...

Girl, you still need to post pictures of your house! I really want to see it.

Jody said...

So sad I missed it. But, give me a few weeks and I'll be there!

Mekell and Jake said...

Done and done!

everything petersen said...

Your house looks so cute! The food looks good also. How much fun.

B and C said...

Wish I could have been there.

great tunes